EZKey Keyboard Visualization

A C#.NET/WPF application for live streamers of real time strategy games to visualize their keyboard usage - Works with a single monitor and OBS

View the Project on GitHub TwoFX/EZKey

EZKey Keyboard Visualization

Example Stream Setup
Example setup using chroma key

The software and the options menu with color picker
The software and the options menu with color picker

Issues have been reported that the program does not work while SC2 is maximized for some people. If you are experiencing this issue, PLEASE send the following information to twofxsc@gmail.com

Thank you for providing feedback to fix the problems.

Work in progess

This is currently about as alpha as it gets. There are lots of awesome features to come and the program still has lots of problems. Here's a list of what's coming in the future:

This page is also work in progress, btw. I will put a detailed explaination about how to set it up and usde it here once I'm actually done coding it.

Upcoming versions

Features I am currently working on and in which versions they will be released. Current version: 0.5.3 (View changelog)

Setup guide for streamers

  1. Download the ZIP file on the left.
  2. Extract the ZIP.
  3. Run EZKey.exe from the Release folder.
  4. The application will open. Press the middle mouse button or click on options to bring up the options menu.
  5. Play around with the sliders until you find a configuration you like.
  6. The colors in the input fields can have the following formats (A=Alpha; R=Red; G=Green; B=Blue): #AARRGGBB or AARRGGBB or #RRGGBB or RRGGBB or #ARGB or ARGB or #RGB or RGB
  7. If you plan on chroma keying the background in order to put an image behind it later (see the first image above for an example), I'd reccommend choosing #FFFF0000 as background color.
  8. Software capture it using OBS. If you want to chroma key, you will get the best result with a similarity value around 60. Click here for an example image
  9. Don't attempt to minimize the software, just start StarCraft.
  10. If it doesn't work, please make sure to report you config as explained above. Thank you!

Contact me at: twofxsc@gmail.com

The file EZKey/EZKey/InterceptKey.cs is mainly taken from Stephen Toub (http://blogs.msdn.com/b/toub/archive/2006/05/03/589423.aspx). Credit to him.